Handbook EU-Law
Dr. Christopher Straberger is the editor of the manual “EU-Recht, Handbuch für die österreichische Rechtspraxis“ (EU-Law, Handbook for the Austrian Legal Practice).
This six-volume legal work, which is updated several times every year, informs you in more than 7000 pages through 150 specialized articles from more than 90 well-known authors extensively about current developments of the law of the European Union. It is, therefore, the most extensive compendium on EU law and covers almost all main areas.
The aspects of European Law are structured alphabetically, starting with “Abfallrecht“ (law of waste disposal management) and ends with “Zusammenschlüsse“ (merger control).
Further topics are especially: employment Law, banking Law, corporate Law, trade Law, cartel Law, trademark Law, environmental Law, Law on unfair competition, regulations for awarding contracts, Law on advertising.
A complete listing of all topics can be found here. The manual is particularly suited for research, whether and which legal norms and judicature are applicable. Details of the manual can be found here: EU-Recht – Handbuch für die österreichische Rechtspraxis
Recent contributions to the handbook EU-law
EU Trademarks, Community Designs (EUIPO) – Impact of a hard Brexit
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Brexit – EU Trademarks, Community Designs (EUIPO)
Necessary steps - Great Britain, United Kingdom, England, Ireland The [...]
Types of trademarks EUIPO and Austrian Patent Office
New: Motion and Multimedia mark These are animated logos - [...]
Dr. Straberger – Lecture About EU Law in Gibraltar
At the Gibraltar Conference of Legal Netlink Alliance (http://www.legalnetlink.net/), one [...]